Cast for Limited Run of CELEBRATION, FLORIDA Announced! / by Emily Harrison

Celebration, Florida, written by Greg Wohead and directed by Emily K. Harrison, is BACK! We’re thrilled to share this work in Boulder, at the Dairy Arts Center, for a LIMITED RUN, March 15-18. Tickets are available NOW.

Here are this round’s performers:

March 15: March 16:

rita maria aires (they/elle)

March 17:

Matthew Austin Combs (he/him)

March 18 (evening):

James Brunt (he/him)

Alexander Watson (he/him)

Nina Rolle (she/her)

Heather Kelley (she/her)

GerRee Hinshaw (she/her)

March 18 (matinee):

Dia Kline (she/her)

Elle Hong (she/they)

Haley Johnson (she/her)